Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree

The requirements for admission to the Bachelor's degree programmes can be found in the corresponding admission regulations:

Admission regulations for degree programmes leading to a Bachelor of Music (B.Mus.), the interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree programme First Subject (Major) Music and the second subject Muisk as part of the Special Education degree programme

Admission to the Bachelor's degree programmes requires a German university entrance qualification. In artistic and artistic-educational Bachelor's degree programmes, this can be replaced by proof of outstanding artistic aptitude, i.e. it is generally possible to study without an Abitur if you are suitably qualified.

In all artistic and artistic-pedagogical degree programmes, proof of special artistic and, if applicable, pedagogical aptitude must be provided in the context of entrance examinations. With a few exceptions, the procedures are competitive, i.e. there are more qualified applications than places.

Detailed information on the required proof of artistic and, if applicable, pedagogical aptitude for the respective degree programmes can be found on the pages of the programmes of study in the corresponding "Information on the entrance examination".

International applicants must also provide proof of sufficient knowledge of German (exception: MA Chamber Music). Detailed information can be found in the section language requirements.

Master's degree


The requirements for admission to the Master's degree programmes can be found in the relevant admission regulations:

Admission regulations for degree programmes leading to the Master of Music degree (M.Mus.)

Admission regulations for the Master's degree programme in Musicology and Music Mediation (MWMV)

Admission regulations for the Master's degree programme in Media and Music (MuM)

Admission to the Master's degree programmes at the HMTMH requires a relevant Bachelor's degree or another equivalent degree.

The duration of study of the previous Bachelor's degree is generally three years (180 credit points) for the communication science degree programmes at the IJK.

The artistic and artistic-educational degree programmes are generally Bachelor's degrees with a four-year duration of study (240 credit points).

In all artistic and artistic-pedagogical degree programmes, proof of special artistic and, if applicable, pedagogical aptitude must be provided in the context of entrance examinations. With a few exceptions, the procedures are competitive, i.e. there are more qualified applications than places.

Detailed information on the required proof of artistic and, if applicable, pedagogical aptitude as well as the admission criteria for the respective degree programmes can be found on the pages of the programmes of study in the corresponding "Information on the entrance examination".

In exceptional cases and with proven outstanding aptitude, there is the possibility of admission after obtaining a three-year Bachelor's degree and in special cases without a Bachelor's degree.

Applicants who do not have a Bachelor's degree or who have completed a three-year Bachelor's degree will be examined as part of the entrance examination to determine whether they have acquired the competences for the degree programme elsewhere and are therefore at a comparable level to graduates of a four-year Bachelor's degree.

The HMTMH reserves the right, in exceptional cases, to stipulate the completion of additional modules from the Bachelor's degree programme as a condition for admission to further consecutive Master's degree programmes. However, this is generally not necessary if you pass the entrance examination. It is generally not possible to take additional individual lessons. This means that applicants with a three-year Bachelor's degree must demonstrate the same level of artistic aptitude as applicants from Bachelor's degree programmes with a four-year degree.

International applicants must also provide proof of sufficient knowledge of German (exception: MA Chamber Music). Detailed information can be found in the section language requirements.

Study Programme in acting


Information on the admission and admission requirements for the study programme in acting can be found here.


Student Registration Office

  • Beate Heitmüller

    Department for Studies and Teaching | Matriculation Office, Examination Office Junior Students, Solo Class

    Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
    Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
    E007 | Loebensteinstraße 2

    Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-7223

    Office hours: Mo 09:30-12 Uhr | Di 09:30-12 Uhr und 14-15:30 Uhr | Do 14-15:30 Uhr | und nach Vereinbarung

Last modified: 2025-01-16

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