Preparation / preliminary courses
Applicants to all artistic and artistic-educational Bachelor's degree programmes, including the interdisciplinary Bachelor's degree programme (School Music) - but with the exception of the Bachelor of Music Jazz and Jazz-related Music and Popular Music degree programmes - must take a written examination in aural training at the beginning of the entrance examination. In addition, knowledge in the area of practical music theory is tested orally. The relevant knowledge for the Bachelor's degree programmes in Jazz and Jazz-related Music and Popular Music is tested orally only.
For preparation, we recommend basso continuo schools or harmony lessons.
Two specific literature recommendations (in German):
Laura Krämer, Allgemeine Musiklehre (here)
John Leigh: Orlando Band 2, Trisonate, Konzert, Choral, Sinfonie (here, unfortunately not for sale at the moment, but may be available to borrow)
Exam contents
Written exam in otal training | approx. 1 hour:
monophonic and two-part rhythmic-melodic dictations, chord recognition, rhythmic dictations, tasks on a longer sound example from CD, short polyphonic dictation
Oral examination in practical music theory:
Reproducing and naming rhythms, intervals, melodies and chords.
Describing given sheet music using basic concepts of general music theory (key, time signature, harmony, structure, style, etc.).
Preparation of a short elementary musical composition according to a specification (e.g. a basso continuo or a sequence of chord symbols) - in writing or at the piano.
Sample examination papers (in german)
- Oral examination practical music theory (pdf Datei,5.8 M)
- Sample exam aural training for Bachelor study programmes (pdf Datei,741 K)
- Sample paper and auditory analysis Master Music Theory (pdf Datei,6.3 M)
Preparing for the exam
If you don’t have the opportunity to take part in a preliminary course, there are good preparation options online that have been developed by experts at other music universities and are available free of charge to anyone interested.
We highly recommend the free oral training programme provided by the Mannheim State University of Music and Performing Arts.
Orlando, a programme offered by the Dresden College of Music, is at a more complex entry level but also highly recommended.
You can also find good preparation options on the Open Music Academy website, e.g. on cadences.
Preliminary courses at HMTMH
The HMTMH offers applicants for the academic year 2025/26 preparatory courses for the entrance examination in the compulsory subjects of aural training and music theory, containing these topics:
- Composition and aural training
- General music theory
- Music theory
The course content is based on the specific requirements of the oral and written entrance examinations at the HMTMH. The courses are supervised by professors and qualified major subject students. Both classroom courses and an online course are offered.
Period: November 2024 to June 2025 | 18 course dates of 90 minutes each (initially fortnightly, later weekly)
Classroom courses: Saturdays, either from 11:30 to 13:00 or from 15:00 to 16:30 at the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hanover
Online course: Wednesday 18:00 (CET/CEST) on Zoom, ideally via laptop/computer
The registration deadline is 15 October 2024. The course fee is 180 euros.
To participate, please fill out the registration form (German) and send it to
Registration and organisation
Simon Asmus
- Anmeldebogen VBK202324.pdf (pdf Datei,36 K)
Last modified: 2025-01-17
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