Communication Science (Bachelor of Arts)

Bachelor's degree Communication Science

Degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Standard study duration 6 semesters

The Bachelor Program Media Management at the Institute of Journalism and Communication Research (Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung - IJK) is the course of choice both for committed and motivated school leavers and also for people with experience in the field who are interested in following an academically sound, management-related course of media studies.

  1. Course content and objective
    The Bachelor program is made up of a total of eight course modules with the following content.
    - Introduction
    - Media System
    - Media Reception and Media Effects
    - Media Products and Media Providers
    - Research and Survey Methods
    - Analysis of Empirical Data
    - Management and Communication in Organisations
    - Media Management in Practice
    Imparting in-depth knowledge into the structure, function and relevant players of the media system from both from media scientific and economic points of view. A further central element is that students acquire a mature competence with regard to collecting and analysing empirical data, making them academically sound experts in the area of content, utilisation and impact of media.

  3. Tuition
    Practical application of the theoretical and methodological knowledge gained during studies in a real-life context is of central importance. In project seminars and the two compulsory business placements, for a minimum of eight weeks each, our students put the skills acquired to the test in dealing with real challenges, as well as making initial contacts with potential future employers.

  5. Who is the course aimed at?
    Every semester, around 30 students are admitted to the Bachelor program in Media Management. The formal requirement for an application is a general matriculation certificate (school leaving certificate) qualifying the holder for university admission. In addition, applicants should possess a strong affinity to the field of media and be both curious and open to scientific discovery.

  7. Career outlook
    An Bachelor degree from the IJK will qualify you for a broad range of professions in which a special knowledge of media, a pronounced capacity for analytic thought and the ability to find structured and practical solutions to issues are required.
    Surveys among graduates have shown that our former students are working above all in the fields of consultancy, market and opinion research, marketing, internal and external communication, academic research and teaching as well as in project management for a wide variety of businesses. Thus the circle of potential employers goes far beyond classic media cooperations such as publishing houses and communication agencies.
    Successful completion of the Bachelor Program qualifies graduates to gain admission to numerous post-graduate courses in Germany or abroad in the fields of Media Management, Media Science, Communication Science and related disciplines.

  9. Application procedure
    The application deadline for the Winter Semester is 15 June of each year. In addition to a written application, the admission procedure also involves a written aptitude test and a personal interview.

In respect of both teaching and research, the Institute of Journalism and Communication Research (Institut für Journalistik und Kommunikationsforschung - IJK) at the HMTMH is one of Germany’s leading group of institutions in the field of communication science. This is regularly confirmed by independent evaluation studies, e.g. the CHE Higher Education Ranking Table, in which the IJK was assessed by students as occupying first place in the country in 2008. This is a clear demonstration of the excellence of the education we provide, and one we are very pleased about.

At the IJK one learns not only the subject matter, but essentially two other things as well: on the one hand, one is trained to think in an analytical and structured way, and on the other hand, thanks to the small numbers attending the seminars and lectures, the ability to work as one of a team is fostered. Both of these are invaluable requirements for a successful career. (Jan Bayer, General Manager of the Hamburg Regional Newspapers Group of Axel Springer AG)

My experience at the IJK was that the course demands and fosters three very valuable qualities above all: clear, analytical and critical thinking, a strong feeling of responsibility and an invaluable curiosity with regard to everything connected with communication in the outside world. (Katrin Seegers, General Manager of Scholz & Friends, Zurich)


Information on application procedure (only available in German)

Communication Science B. A.

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Communication Science B. A.

Contact Person

Examination Office

  • Emily Junck

    Department for Studies and Teaching | (on proxy basis) Examination Board Communication Science B. A., Communication and Media Research M. A., Media and Music M. A., Secretariat IJK

    Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Institute of Journalism and Communication Research
    Expo Plaza 12, 30539 Hannover

    Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-497

  • Heike Just

    Department for Studies and Teaching | Examination Board Communication Science B. A., Communication and Media Research M. A., Media and Music M. A., Secretariat IJK

    Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media, Institute of Journalism and Communication Research
    Expo Plaza 12, 30539 Hannover

    Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-498

    Office hours: Mo-Do 8-12 Uhr

Last modified: 2025-01-15

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