Pianoforte (Bachelor of Music)
Entrance examination information and application portal
Information on the study programme
Degree Bachelor of Music (B. Mus.)
Standard study duration: 8 semesters
There is a long tradition of fine, broadly based piano tuition at the HMTMH. The University’s greatest assets in this respect are an outstanding faculty of worldwide renown and excellent facilities for students.
The Bachelor’s degree course in Piano, introduced in 2009, is based upon the now discontinued diploma courses in “Music Teaching” and “Musical Performance” without compromising either the quality or quantity of individual tuition. Building upon the Bachelor’s degree, the Master’s degree course in Keyboard Studies was introduced in 2010, and a third level, the Solo Performance Class, is also offered.
Further information on the courses available can be obtained from the Registration Office (Immatrikulationsamt) or from the Pianoforte tutors (see column on the right).
- Course content and objective / Tuition
In addition to the principal study, the curriculum aims to ensure a solid training in all relevant subsidiary subjects, including Music Theory, Musicology, Education, Physiology as well as Occupational Studies. Didactics and Methodology of Piano are available as an introductory course of 2 semesters or alternatively as a more advanced and intensive course of 4 semesters. In order to cater to the interests and aptitudes of the individual we offer various optional courses in such subjects as Improvisation, Historical Keyboard Studies, Conducting and Jazz. Our aim is to produce graduates who are comprehensively trained musical personalities, fully able to hold their own successfully in the ever-changing world of the professional musician. - Who is the course aimed at? / Requirements for admission
In the entrance examination, the young pianists are expected to present a well-prepared programme and already to possess to a largely recognizable extent the basic traits of an artistic or teaching personality, able to meet the high demands made on the professional pianist or piano teacher. - Career outlook
Pianists today often no longer work only as concert soloists or in chamber music, but are also involved in music education. Management abilities are called for, as is also imagination in the forming of the musical world of tomorrow.
Future students will form the Pianoforte group. In addition to tuition in the principal study subject, a wide variety of additional areas are on offer, which together make up a practically orientated and broadly based course of piano training:
- Tuition in chamber music
- Tuition in song accompaniment
- Tuition in piano duo
- Tuition in Early Music; in addition to various harpsichords and clavichords, there is also a collection of historic upright and grand pianos from the period 1790 to 1910 available (originals and copies)
- Special offerings in the field of New Music for pianoforte
- International master classes extending the range of tuition available
There are numerous opportunities to perform, both within and outside the University. There are also internal competitions, scholarships and other forms of assistance.
Programme learning outcomes
The bachelor's degree program in piano prepares students holistically for the mechanisms of the future professional world through excellent pianistic and didactic-methodical supervision. Through the intensive individual lessons in the main subject, students are qualified at a high level in their artistic skills. The goal is to produce a holistically trained artistic personality that can hold its own in the job market. The supplementation of the main subject instruction with musicological and music-theoretical basics as well as basic seminars on music pedagogy ensures that students can expand their artistic skills with methodological and scientific competencies. This supplementation of the artistic focus enables students to contextualize their creative work and contributes to placing their work reception and interpretation in a broad field of tension.
In addition, students have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge through an individual focus, particularly in the area of methodology and didactics. This qualification aims to expand the later professional field to include the aspect of teaching. Highly qualified training in the field of chamber music in various instrumentations also plays an essential role, enabling students to gain extensive experience in working with others and thus also develop their teamwork and communication skills. Both in the areas of contemporary piano music and historical keyboard instruments, specialized basic training is provided.
The HMTMH student body is characterized by great diversity and internationality, so that collaborations and friendships between people of very different cultural backgrounds are a matter of course. This not only means a personal and musical enrichment of the students, but in the global age of networking it is of great importance for the students' professional future.
Through the requirement of a concert project to be organized independently, students learn to assume responsibility for a musical event and to plan the necessary organizational procedures. In addition, basic training is provided in the area of professional knowledge/self-management.
The Bachelor's examination is the professionally qualifying degree of the program. It proves that the graduates have the basic musical, stylistic and technical skills to professionally practice the profession of the pianist in its many forms of concertizing and pedagogical musical work, and have grown into independent and responsible personalities who can actively shape the musical life of the future.
Downloads (partly just available in German language)
- Zulassungsordnung 01/2022 (pdf Datei,95 K)
- Studien- und Prüfungsordnung 19/2022 (study and examination regulation/course and ECTS overview) (pdf Datei,466 K)
Representative Professor
Prof. Alexander Schimpf
Professor of Piano
Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
Examination Office
Judith Degro
Department for Studies and Teaching | Examination Board Pianoforte B. Mus., Keyboard Instruments M. Mus., Musical Performance and Education B. Mus./M. Mus., Church Music B. Mus./M. Mus.
Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
E001 | Loebensteinstraße 2Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-7254
judith.degro@hmtm-hannover.deOffice hours: Mo 09:30-12 Uhr | Di 09:30-12 Uhr und 14-15:30 Uhr | Do 14-15:30 Uhr | und nach Vereinbarung
Student Registration Office
Beate Heitmüller
Department for Studies and Teaching | Matriculation Office, Examination Office Junior Students, Solo Class
Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
E007 | Loebensteinstraße 2Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-7223
I-Amt@hmtm-hannover.deOffice hours: Mo 09:30-12 Uhr | Di 09:30-12 Uhr und 14-15:30 Uhr | Do 14-15:30 Uhr | und nach Vereinbarung
Tanja Ebeling
Department for Studies and Teaching | Matriculation Office, Examination Office Junior Students, Solo Class
Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media
Neues Haus 1, 30175 Hannover
E007 | Loebensteinstraße 2Phone: +49 (0)511 3100-7224
I-Amt@hmtm-hannover.deOffice hours: Mo 09:30-12 Uhr | Di 09:30-12 Uhr und 14-15:30 Uhr | Do 14-15:30 Uhr | und nach Vereinbarung
Last modified: 2025-01-18
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