Incoming students

We are happy that you are interested in spending your ERASMUS study period at the HMTMH.

On this page you will find all the necessary information for your application. Please note, that you always have to send your application through the International Office of your home university!


There are good number of ERASMUS students from all over Europe at HMTMH every year. We offer you the opportunity to study with our teachers for one or two semesters, to learn more about the German culture and to improve your language skills.

The International Office helps ERASMUS students during their stay and offers both councelling and activities.

All the important information about the activities and events you can find here.

The winter semester lasts from the beginning of October until the end of February and the summer semester from the beginning of April until the end of September (lecture period until mid-July). Here you can find the exact semester dates

How do I apply?

The application deadline for both the winter and the following summer semester or the whole academic year is always 31 March. The application must be submitted via the online portal Mobility Online. You must be nominated by the International Office of your home university.

Please note that you need:

  • to be at least in your 3rd semester upon your arrival in Hannover
  • to study an Instrument/course which is offered at HMTMH
  • to study at a partner university of the HMTMH

Please apply by 31 March for the following winter semester and/or the summer semester of the coming year via the online portal Mobility Online.

Your application should include:

  • Picture
  • Completed Study Plan
  • CV
  • Letter of motivation
  • (optional) Letter of reference from your teacher
  • Audio-/videorecording or folder of compositions (depending on the course of studies - please speak to the corresponding lecturers)
  • Transcript of records or similar

You can only receive instrumental lessons by professors (Prof.) of the HMTMH.

A list of the lecturers can be found here.

The lecture list is available here. The course and ECTS overview you find at the relating course program (see "Studien und Prüfungsordnung" - study and examination Regulation normally page 24).




International Student Identity Card


Last modified: 2024-09-05

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