Music education Research Library
History and Collection
In winter semester 2016/17 the Music education Research Library was built of the Library of the Institute for Music Education Research. It contains
- German-language music education literature published since 1750
- Teaching materials (books, CDs, teaching aids, etc.)
- Music education journals
- Special collections.
Till summer Semester 2017 all Music education books and Audio materials of the Emmichplatz library moved to the Music education Research Library. Additionaly the Library contains now
- foreign-languge music education literature.
Special collections
Literary Estates of
- Karl Heinrich Ehrenforth (pdf Datei,489 K)
- Agnes Hundoegger (pdf Datei,844 K)
- Richard Jakoby (pdf Datei,224 K)
- Hildegard und Richard Junker (pdf Datei,0.9 M)
- Margit Küntzel-Hansen (pdf Datei,861 K)
- Felix Oberborbeck (pdf Datei,442 K)
- Wilhelm Stolte (pdf Datei,690 K)
Person to contact
Florian Leger
Fachangestellter für Medien- und Informationsdienste
telephone: +49(0)511 3100-7607
mail to mfb
Visitors address
Leisewitzstr. 39 (1F)
30175 Hanover
Rooms 1.106-1.107
Opening hours
Library regulations
- Library regulations (pdf Datei,116 K)
Last modified: 2023-10-02
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