Opening hours
Please find the opening hours on this sites:
- Central Library (ZB)
- Library of the Research Centre for Music and Gender (FMG)
- Library at the Kurt-Schwitters-Forum (KSF, Expo Plaza)
Due to personnel reasons, there may be deviations on individual days. please inquire about the current opening hours before your planned visit via phone + 49 511 / 9296-2640 or mail.
The Library of the HMTMH, with its collection of about 300,000 items (scores, books, recordings etc.), is one of the largest of all the Universities of Music. The subjects covered range from Historic and Systematic Musicology to Music Education to Ethnomusicology. Of particular interest are the "Andor Izsák Collection" Library at the European Centre for Jewish Music which includes, for example, the vast research library of the music ethnologist Dr Edith Gerson-Kiwi (1908–1992), and the collection of German-language music teaching books since 1750. In the fields of Media and Communication Sciences, the HMTMH and Hochschule Hanover (University of Applied Sciences and Arts) have a joint library at the Kurt Schwitters Forum.
Online catalogue
- Online catalogue
- Informations on Hanover Online Library System HOBSY
- see german site
Licensed databases and other Information ressources
- A choice of licensed databases and other Information ressources
- Access to the Database Infosystem (Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS)
- Access to the Library of electronic journals (Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB)
- Access to the Directory of open access journals (DOAJ)
Quality Control: The journal must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included.
Online catalogue
- Online catalogue
- Informations on Hanover Online Library System HOBSY
- see german site
Licensed databases and other Information ressources
- A choice of licensed databases and other Information ressources
- Access to the Database Infosystem (Datenbank-Infosystem DBIS)
- Access to the Library of electronic journals (Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbibliothek EZB)
- Access to the Directory of open access journals (DOAJ)
Quality Control: The journal must exercise peer-review or editorial quality control to be included.
Library management
Phone: 0511 3100-294
Dr. Katharina Talkner
Central Library
Phone: 0511 3100-279/
Library in the Kurt-Schwitters-Forum
Phone: 0511 9296-2640
Library of the Research Centre for Music and Gender (fmg)
Phone: 0511 3100-7334
Last modified: 2025-01-10
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